Still on Backorder
One week, and my diabetes glucose sensors are still on backorder. I ran out of sensors 7 days ago, so I'm back to full time finger stick'n. I really forgot how tough it was to control the blood glucose levels with only 'Point in time" finger sticks. So, I'm going to rant a bit.
Let me clarify this point. The finger sticks only tell you where you are. You have no idea where you've been, or where you are going. Kind of like a police officer radar'ing traffic. He may stop you for traveling 75 mph, but he doesn't know you WERE going 95 mph before you slammed on the brakes.
With the real time blood sugar monitoring system, you see the trends of your blood sugar levels. So, yesterday I tested my sugar (since I'm out of sensors) and noticed my sugar was 200. What I didn't know was if my levels were dropping quickly, staying steady, or increasing quickly. You just aren't 100% on how to react. Give a bolus, stay put, or prepare of a low blood sugar.
Let's give a short quiz.
If you took your blood sugar and at Noon and it was 200, what would you do?
a. Bolus
b. Do nothing
c. Prepare for a low blood sugar level
Now, let me add a bit of background to this scenario: At 11:30 am, your sugar was 300, at 11:45 am it was 250 and noon it was 200. Would this change your action bet it would. This is what the continuous glucose monitoring systems provide you...the history and the ability to see if you are trending up, down or staying consistent.
Please, please, I hope my sensors come in soon.....................